  • chevron_rightHow do I pay my Assessment and/or view my Account Balance?
    Within the navigation bar along the top portion of this website, the Residents portion offers choices via drop down with the first option as Pay My Bill.
    In order to utilize this service, you will need to log in to the Managing Agent's website. Please bear in mind the Managing Agent's website is separate from the Association’s website. You will have two separate user profiles.
  • chevron_rightI’m refinancing/selling my home. Where can I find the information I need?
    The information you need may vary by circumstance and institution. This website offers the most commonly requested documents such as:
    Copy of the Annual Budget
    Governing Documents (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions; By-Laws; and Articles of Incorporation)
    If you need a document or information not found in the list above, submit a Service Request to the Managing Agent.
  • chevron_rightWhere can I get a copy of my Governing Documents (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions; By-Laws; and Articles of Incorporation)?
    Under the Documents option in the bar, select the link for Governing Documents to download the desired document(s).
  • chevron_rightIt’s late, but I have an emergency! How can I get a hold of someone?
    If it is after normal business hours and is a true, non-life threatening emergency, please call our 24/7 Emergency line at 513.489.4059 and follow the prompts.
    Should this be an emergency where you or others are injured or in danger, such as a fire, please call 911.
    Need Help During Normal Business Hours?
    See Options Below.
    Office: 513.489.4059
    Sandi Meeks: sandimeeks@towneproperties.com
    Lynnette Pearson: lynnettepearson@towneproperties.com
    Tara & Lakewood
    Carol Barham: carolbarham@towneproperties.com
  • chevron_rightWhat is an HOA?
    A corporation filed with the state under a not-for-profit status formed for the purpose of administering Association business and the operation of all commonly held property. Each Homeowner in the Association has a percentage of ownership in all Common Areas. Each Homeowner will automatically become a voting member of the Association on the date of transfer of ownership recorded in the County Clerk’s office.
  • chevron_rightI’d like to make a change to the outside of my home, e.g. build a fence. What must I do?
    Prior to any improvements, alterations, or additions made to the outside of your home or lot, an Improvement Application must be submitted to the Managing Agent.
    For a complete explanation of the process, please click the link above, or select Improvement Application available under the Residents option found on the navigation bar.